CMG Membership and Privacy Policy

Membership is open to anyone with an interest in wildflower meadows. You don’t have to actually own a meadow to join us!

Becoming a member is easy – we use a membership database system. The annual fee is currently £10.  Renewing membership once you have joined is just as simple.  Whether joining or renewing please click on the link below  – which will then give you both options

As part of becoming a member you will need to agree to the terms of our Data Protection Policy:

Our Privacy Policy

When you join the Carmarthenshire Meadows Group (CMG) you provide us with some personal information. This Privacy Policy explains what information we collect and how we use it.  CMG is committed to protecting your privacy and complying with the data protection laws in the United Kingdom.

Information we collect from you

We will collect information about you when you join CMG or renew your membership or amend your membership details. The information we collect consists of:

  • Information to identify and communicate with you (name, address, email, phone nos)
  • Membership information (membership status, payments received)
  • Information relating to your meadow and how it is managed (this is optional, you don’t have to provide it if you don’t want to)

How do we use this information?

We may use the information provided by you in a variety of ways, including:

  • To facilitate the efficient running of CMG
  • To notify you of upcoming events
  • To keep you informed about your membership status
  • To make practical arrangements for CMG events
  • To check the details that we hold for you
  • The information you may give relating to your meadow and how it is managed may be used in an anonymised form (and not identifiable to individual members) in discussion with other conservation organisations and/or local/national government.

How you can access your data

You can see the information that we hold about you at any time by visiting your membership page on our website, or by asking for it to be provided in written form if you do not have access to the website. You can correct any information there via the website or by asking us to correct it. Your data will automatically be deleted within a year if you leave CMG, but you may ask for it to be deleted immediately if you wish.

Disclosing your data

CMG will never share your personal details with other parties. However, we may use other organisations to provide services for us, in particular for the membership database system. These organisations are prohibited from using that information for any purpose other than those services. No members of CMG can see your data other than yourself and specific Steering Group members who need access in order to administer the membership system and for running the CMG

How is your information protected

We take protection of your personal details seriously and have appropriate security measures in place to keep it safe. We restrict access to personal information to only those in the Group who require it for the running of the group. Your information will be stored in the UK and will not be transferred to any other country.



The Steering group is always keen to hear from other potential members who would like to be involved in shaping the group’s future. In particular it would be great to hear from any Welsh speaking potential members who would be willing and able to volunteer time and talent with translation skills.

Please contact Rachel   –