Welcome – Croeso

Cardamine pratenis - Lady's Smock, NBGW, 5-5-06 photo-Bruce Langridge (2)


  • Do you want to manage your grasslands and to encourage wildlife?
  • Are you unsure how to do it?
  • Do you lack the livestock, equipment, or knowledge to help you?CB_310714_1 (2)

If so, our group might interest you:-

The Carmarthenshire Meadows Group was launched at the National Botanic Garden of Wales, in the spring of 2015. Its aim is to inspire the creation of a county-wide community that supports each other to improve the diversity of plants, fungi and animals on meadows, large or small, across Carmarthenshire.sdim2388-2


**** This is a static front page, so please look at the Blog Posts, and other pages, for the latest news of what’s going on ***



  • organise training events in various meadow management techniques,
  • arrange site visits to meadows,
  • have a web page with useful information and  offer the chance to work with an ecologist to discuss the management of your meadows,
  • hold meetings to provide people with a chance to meet and share experiences.

If you want to manage your grassland for wildlife then join us and be inspired to work with others across the county to help restore the floral and fauna splendour of your own patch of Welsh countryside. Please see the separate CMG membership page to see how you can become a member, and the events page for current CMG events.

  •  Email Rachel, the site’s administrator, at  website@carmarthenshiremeadows.com
    CB_060713 (2)

    If you are interested in finding out more about the Carmarthenshire Meadows Group, then please browse these pages, contact Rachel, as above, or contact Carmarthenshire’s Biodiversity Officer, Isabel Macho : IMacho@carmarthenshire.gov.uk or ring 01558 825390.SDIM2314 (2)


Updated 14/02/2018


 Cae Tegeirianau



A ydych am reoli eich tir er mwyn hybu bywyd gwyllt?

A ydych yn ansicr ynghylch sut mae gwneud hynny?

A ydych yn brin o dda byw neu offer i’ch helpu i wneud hynny?

Os felly, gallai menter newydd yn Sir Gaerfyrddin fod o ddiddordeb ichi. Lansiwyd Grŵp Dolydd Sir Gaerfyrddin yng Ngardd Fotaneg Genedlaethol Cymru. Y nod yw creu cymuned ledled y sir sy’n helpu ei gilydd er mwyn gwella’r amrywiaeth o blanhigion, ffyngau, ac anifeiliaid sydd ar ddolydd mawr a bach ar draws Sir Gaerfyrddin.SDIM2283 (2)


***Tudalen flaen sefydlog yw hon felly edrychwch ar y Blogiau a thudalennau eraill i gael y newyddion diweddaraf ynghylch beth sy’ mlaen.***


Mae’r Grŵp a’r wefan hon yn dal i gael eu datblygu ond rydym wedi dechrau:

  • trefnu digwyddiadau hyfforddiant o ran amrywiaeth o dechnegau rheoli dolydd,
  • trefnu ymweliadau safle â dolydd,
  • creu tudalen we ar gyfer y Grŵp Dolydd er mwyn darparu gwybodaeth ddefnyddiol a sicrhau bod cyfle i rannu syniadau a gwybodaeth,
  • cynnig cyfle i gydweithio ag ecolegydd er mwyn trafod sut mae rheoli eich dolydd,
  • cynnal cyfarfodydd i roi cyfle i bobl gyfarfod â’i gilydd a rhannu eu profiadau.CM4

Beth am ymuno â’r Grŵp os ydych am reoli eich glaswelltir er budd bywyd gwyllt a chael eich ysbrydoli i weithio ag eraill ledled y sir er mwyn helpu i adfer bioamrywiaeth ysblennydd eich cilcyn bach chi o gefn gwlad Cymru.Derek Cobley 3 (2)

Gwefan sy’n cael ei datblygu yw hon ac ychwanegir gwybodaeth newydd bob yn dipyn. Cysylltwch â ni os oes gennych unrhyw awgrymiadau ynghylch y wefan.CM6 (2)

Os oes gennych ddiddordeb mewn dysgu rhagor am y Grŵp Dolydd, cysylltwch ag Isabel Macho, Swyddog Bioamrywiaeth Sir Gaerfyrddin, drwy anfon neges e-bost at IMacho@sirgar.gov.uk neu drwy ffonio 01558 825390.CB_070614_2 (2)

17 thoughts on “Welcome – Croeso

  1. Hi Julian. Thank you for developing this informative website. We planted up a woodland on our property last year and are already benefitting from a significant increase in wildflowers and insects particularly butterflies, dragonflies etc. We would like to develop a wildflower meadow but at present, we have cattle and sheep on the fields – not ours’ so, once this is sorted, we’ll be onto it. We’re novices and are excited at the prospect of effecting a change in the biodiversity around us simply by allowing nature to do her stuff! Will look out for events here and have already pencilled in the Meadows Group Meeting on October 24th.


  2. Great website, really informative and inspiring. I wanted to leave a quick post to share my exciting news….we have our first orchid in our field! I wanted to upload some photos, but I’ve not figured out how to do it, is there a way I could upload some photos on here?
    We have a 6 acre field near Carmarthen, and it was previously managed as a silage field. After only the second year of no fertilizer, and a once-yearly hay cut in August, we have seen a big difference already, and have quite a wide variety of species.
    My version of “meadowing” is wondering around the field every evening, checking on our lone (so far) orchid, enjoying the variety of invertebrates darting around, and avoiding all the chores I should be doing!


    • Hello Hilary,
      Thanks for the comment.
      If you send me any pics of your meadow and what you want to say, I’ll put them up on a post. I’m really keen to get more pieces like this from anyone – I feel very strongly that the website should be able to share this sort of information from around the county.
      If you send them to me at grumpyhobbit@gmail.com, they should arrive OK. If possible could you reduce any images sizes before sending to about 150 KBs, or say 850 pixels maximum size in 1 direction? If you can’t reduce the sizes pre sending, I can do it, but we have limited satellite data allowances, so normal pics of say 2 – 3 MBs, take ages to download, and I have to reduce them anyway to get them on WordPress, or they then take ages for anyone else to look at.
      Any probs, with this, just email me, or leave another comment,
      best wishes


  3. Hi there. My husband and I have recently moved to the outskirts of Meidrim where we are renovating a cottage. We have a 3 acre field that we would like to create a wildflower meadow on but are complete novices so we’re really glad to have found this site. Please let us know when the next meeting is so we can attend. In the meantime we have recently borrowed some sheep from a nearby farmer to graze the land as it hasn’t been touched all summer. We are worried we might have too many weeds, in particular creeping buttercup, so we would be very interested in a site visit and any advice as to what our next course of action should be. Jo and Jon.


    • Hello Jo and Jon,
      Thanks for the comment and queries. It’s an exciting prospect… Firstly they’re probably won’t be another group meeting now until the spring. If you keep watching the blog posts, you’ll be in the loop – we’re hoping to develop a membership structure by next spring – you may realise if you’ve glanced through the webpages, that the “group” is really still in its infancy – a bit like your meadow, but there are several other meadow owners just starting out on a similar journey to yours, as well as some with fantastic established meadows. Hidden around on the web pages/posts, there are actually some very good links, and ideas you can follow up. There are local ecologists who could site visit and give advice, but also maybe emailing/contacting some of the meadow owners who are already involved would probably be really helpful – the meadow gallery ( again early stages) has one or 2 suggestions. It also depends a little on what your long term aim is, and what the land is like. But at this time of the year, assuming it isn’t very wet land, winter grazing with sheep to get the grass down is a pretty good approach. But maybe aim to get them off by mid February, or before if it’s a wet winter and the ground is getting muddy. And don’t put any fertiliser or muck on. ( probably ever!), if floral diversity is your main aim. The spring meeting would then be a good occasion to meet and chat with a few more folk,
      Hope this is helpful, and do get in touch again ,
      best wishes
      PS Although it’s a bit heavy going in places, ( and pricey!) George Peterken’s book would make a great Christmas present, and certainly give you lots of ideas and inspiration and be a valuable resource/reference in years to come.


      • Thanks for replying Julian and for the useful advice. We have the sheep until Christmas so that’s probably good timing. We have also contacted one of the ecologists on this site and will definitely want to attend the next meeting. Happy to pay a membership fee and join if that’s the way the group decides to proceed. 🙂


      • Thanks Jo, we have a planning meeting this Saturday for a steering group, so I’ll do an update on the blog posts page of what happens – which will hopefully include details of membership, etc. If you click on the follow button on the blog posts page, you should then automatically receive any news, etc. related to the group, as soon as it gets published.
        best wishes


  4. Hi
    I’m unable to attend the meeting this Saturday but would like to join up. I’m especially interested in the information regarding the soft rush. Would I be able to access any information following joining?


    • Hello Jacky,
      Thanks for the comment.
      If you look at the separate membership page, then hopefully after Saturday’s meeting, there should be details there of how you can take out annual membership of the group.
      Unfortunately there’s an element of Catch 22 with getting a new group like this off the ground with a proper membership – you can’t open bank accounts, etc. until you have officers and an idea of a constitution, and these only got thrashed out last weekend after much discussion and preparation.. I know that Colin, the Treasurer, is currently hoping to have this option for membership being taken out on line sorted out very soon.
      With regards to soft rush, I’ve made the film, which I’m showing on Saturday. It’s really a case study of what we’ve achieved here, and maybe will give folk some useful ideas, rather than being the prescriptive answer. I’ve burned a few DVDs of it today, and again after the showing on Saturday, there may well be an option to hire or buy one of these…but it might be worth waiting until then so that I can assess what the responses from the audience are, as to its merits!
      So perhaps I might respond to you again sometime after next weekend if that’s OK?
      Best wishes


  5. I was given your e-mail address by Monmouthshire meadows.org. I have a 2 acre (approx.) meadow. It has been a meadow for over 20 years mostly left to itself and cut once and year (July/August) by a neighbour farmer. I would be interested to know what plants/grasses I have in the meadow and understand that you can send someone to check this out. I know a few of the

    plants – yellow rattle, knapweed, red clover.
    I live in Bryngwyn near Newcastle Emlyn. Is this too far away?

    Look forward to hearing from you.

    Anne Brown


    • Hello Anne,
      Thanks for the comment. A few suggestions which might be helpful – unlike MMG we can’t currently guarantee someone can turn out to do a survey, but there’s a list of locally based ecologists who might be able to help. ( See the ecological surveys web page). In addition there’s an upcoming course at Denmark farm near Lampeter on Thursday June 8th, organised by Plantlife to help meadow owners with doing their own surveys. ( See events page for more). Finally have you thought of joining CMG? It only costs £10, and if you were a member, and could make the next meadow walk at Cwmdu – again see events page – you’d meet Richard and Kath Pryce, who are the county’s botanical recorders, and very interested to visit any member’s meadows to do botanical surveys ( they did one at our place last August, which I wrote about on the blog – sadly this is only restricted to CMG members, and they are very busy people, so you’d have to see if/when they were able to do this.
      Hope all this is of help, and that maybe we’ll meet up sometime in the future,
      best wishes


    • Hello again Anne,
      I just realise that if you actually live in Ceredigion, then you’ll have different county botanical recorders to Richard and Kath Pryce, so would need to find out who they are on line, and contact them separately. You could still join CMG though! We have a few members just over the border!
      best wishes


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